Full Moon in Pisces PurvaBhadra

4 min readSep 14, 2024


September 17

Full Moon & Partial Lunar Eclipse in Pūrvabhādrapada Nakshatra

The upcoming Full Moon in Pisces on September 17th, 2024, which is also a partial lunar eclipse, will occur in Pūrvabhādrapada Nakshatra. This lunar mansion is associated with deep, transformative spiritual energies and has the power to elevate one’s consciousness. In Vedic astrology, the Full Moon represents culmination, completion, and revelation, and in this nakshatra, these themes take on a particularly intense and mystical quality.

Purva Bhadra Pada Nakshatra — Front end of a funeral bed

The Symbolism of Pūrvabhādrapada
Pūrvabhādrapada is symbolized by the front legs of a funeral cot, a symbol connected to the awareness of mortality and the transient nature of life. The deity of this nakshatra is Aja Ekapada, often seen as a form of Rudra or a one-legged goat, associated with storms, destruction, and the purification that follows.

The Shakti (power) of Pūrvabhādrapada is the power to elevate consciousness, particularly through the contemplation of life and death. This nakshatra asks us to reflect on the temporality of existence, urging us to awaken from the distractions of the material world and recognize the deeper spiritual truths that lie beneath the surface of daily life.

In Vedic astrology, the Full Moon is when the Moon’s light is at its peak, symbolizing illumination and fruition. Whatever intentions or themes were set during the previous New Moon — particularly the one in Purva Phalguni Nakshatra on September 2, now come to completion or revelation.

With the Full Moon in Pūrvabhādrapada, the energy peaks, and this is a time when we might experience profound realizations about life, death, and our soul’s journey. The Moon in Pisces, a sign connected to mysticism and spiritual wisdom, makes this a potent time for reflection and introspection.

The Impact of the Partial Lunar Eclipse

Eclipses bring sudden shifts and changes, often revealing things that were previously hidden. While the lunar eclipse is partial, it still magnifies the transformative energies of Pūrvabhādrapada. During this time, you may feel the need to face uncomfortable truths or release attachments that no longer serve your higher purpose. Eclipses are karmic in nature, and their effects can unfold over several months, so the realizations or transformations you experience during this time could have long-lasting effects.

Themes of Death, Transformation, and Spiritual Awakening
Pūrvabhādrapada is deeply connected to the idea of mortality and the awareness that life is temporary. This Full Moon, amplified by the eclipse, invites you to reflect on this truth. When we truly understand the impermanence of life, we gain the freedom to focus on what truly matters.

As James Kelleher so eloquently described, when people encounter death or reflect on it, there can be a shock that shakes them out of the “dream state” of everyday life. For some, this realization is terrifying, causing them to retreat into distractions. But for others, it is a wake-up call, inspiring them to pursue a spiritual path and delve deeper into their true nature.

This period, particularly with the onset of Pitru Paksha (the time for honoring ancestors), offers an ideal opportunity for spiritual reflection. It’s a time to release the unnecessary distractions and focus on the silence that lies within, the essence of being beyond the physical body, emotions, and mind.

Purification of Karma and Ancestors
As this Full Moon coincides with the beginning of Pitru Paksha, the two-week period dedicated to propitiating the ancestors, it’s a powerful time for ancestral healing. The relationship between Pūrvabhādrapada and death is not just about physical death but also the death of old patterns and karmic cycles. During this time, you can focus on resolving any unresolved issues related to your ancestors, family lineage, or karmic baggage passed down through generations.

Offerings to ancestors (called Tarpanam in Vedic tradition) can be made to honor their spirits and cleanse any lingering karmic debts. This can be a deeply healing practice, allowing the energy of the past to be resolved, purified, and released.

Practical Guidance for the Full Moon in Pūrvabhādrapada

  • Introspection: Use this time for deep introspection. Reflect on your own mortality and the temporary nature of life. Contemplating death, not with fear but with a sense of acceptance, can provide powerful spiritual clarity.
  • Spiritual practice: Increase your spiritual practices, whether it’s meditation, yoga, mantra chanting, or journaling. The Shakti of Pūrvabhādrapada supports raising your consciousness to higher levels.
  • Honor your ancestors: This is the ideal time to offer prayers and make peace with your lineage. Perform rituals like **Tarpanam** to show gratitude to your ancestors and seek their blessings.
  • Let go of distractions: This Full Moon may shine a light on the areas of your life that are filled with meaningless distractions. Focus on letting go of superficial desires and channel your energy toward your spiritual growth.
  • Contemplate life’s deeper purpose: Take this time to consider your life’s path and your spiritual purpose. Are you living in alignment with your soul’s journey, or are you caught up in the distractions of the material world?

The Full Moon and partial lunar eclipse in Pūrvabhādrapada Nakshatra on September 17, 2024, presents a powerful opportunity to deepen your spiritual practice, reflect on the temporary nature of life, and connect with the energy of your ancestors. This is a time of awakening, when you can shed old karmic patterns and distractions, allowing your consciousness to rise to higher planes. Use this period to cultivate inner silence, honor your past, and awaken to the deeper truths of existence.




Written by ॐKIT

I see not through my eyes #jyotishi. If you are a student you can read my premium content for free through https://theyogiclens.org

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