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Here is an embedded C implementation of a Kundalini Yoga practice or “Pranayam”. This will make your system efficient by allowing your organs to produce juice which is good for your body.
You don’t need to know C language to follow along. I’ve added comments, similar to good coding practices, to explain what each C instruction does.
The while (1) loop is often seen in main() function of embedded devices.
/* human body could be stricly binary but our psyche isn't, so its always
good to ground yourself to your body and also to mother earth */
typedef boolean binary;
volatile long int cycles;
/* most important point where neutralization of pscyhe happens */
void relaxed_hold(void);
/* we believe in unity, so there is just one truth - can we all love that?
coz as soon as we try to give it a name we will touch other dimension
so we push the data into the stack and invoke another function to go into
other dimension. But we are talking about sound engineering here. There is
just one universal sound in the space. The teachings maybe came from ancient
India but its a universal truth and its something that cannot be patented.
Long story short, I am calling that living force (alias satya satnam truth
god nature music love compassion) satya, but change it based on your legacy. */
const binary satya = 1;
/* Let breath be your only concern */
/* Easier said than done but we will handle it later. There is an ideal
but be real and we will minimize the error gradient gradually to achieve…